Turn static real estate listings into stunning videos -
in 2 minutes
Attract more buyers and make your listings stand out from the competition with stunning video content – automatically generated from your listings url.

Get videos from your real estate
listings URL automatically
1. Select your listing
Select your listing and add its url from marketplace. Amplifiles fetches its images and written information automatically.
2. Get video in minutes
Images, texts and voice-over are combined into engaging short video from your listing. Receive ready video in minutes.
3. Share to boost sales
Did you know videos convert up to 40% better than images? Share your video to attract buyers and stand out from competition.
Examples generated from listings
No more expensive and time consuming video projects. These videos were automatically created using the listing data.
Hemnet’s study: Videos in listings win the battle for attention
In today's digital age, buyers are increasingly drawn to dynamic content. Swedish property site Hemnet AB's recent findings show that property listings with videos not only capture more attention but also lead to higher interaction rates.
Increase in listings viewing time
More shares than pictures on average
More likely to be saved by viewer
Get started with a free video
Get video from your listing without any commitments. When you want videos customized and branded to your needs - choose On-demand or Unlimited plan.
Questions and answers
Yes - we offer videos for free so you can test this short video format without any commitments. Videos are in Amplifiles brand so if you want to remove those or customize videos - choose On-demand or Unlimited plan.
Yes. You can share it to channels you prefer.
Sure! Reach out to us if you want videos to be branded to your agency style.